LOCATION: Paradise, Newlands Forest
LEADER: Antonia Malan
Paradise (or t’ Paradijs) was originally a VOC military outpost, which became home to woodcutters, soldiers and slaves. It was occupied from c.1720 to 1820, and was in ruins by the 1830s, when Sir John Herschel sketched the site, which by then was popular with picnickers.
During the 1980s, the site was excavated by a team of archaeologists, including Dr Antonia Malan, who led the outing.
Many artefacts were found during this excavation, and it was discovered that an earlier house (probably destroyed by fire), lay under the remains of the present later 18th-century house, that was occupied by Lady Anne and Andrew Barnard for a short period in c.1800.
Two outbuildings were also discovered, and there are signs of an oak-lined avenue that led to the house and werf.
Click on these links to download information and tour notes relating to Paradise.
Newlands Forest VASSA Notes (2) March 2019
Bosch Documents 1768
Paradise Goodwin 1993